NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager
Current translations
As of version 2.13 nssm can be translated into languages other than English.
The languages currently supported are:
Français (French) since v2.13: François-Régis Tardy
Italiano (Italian) since v2.15: Riccardo Gusmeroli
Call for translations
I welcome contributions of translations to other languages. To submit a translation you need to edit messages.mc and nssm.rc.
Consider the French translation as an example.
LanguageNames = ( English=0x0409:MSG00409 French=0x40C:MSG0040C )
The additional language is defined in the LanguageNames section.
MessageId = +1 SymbolicName = NSSM_MESSAGE_PATH_TOO_LONG Severity = Informational Language = English The full path to %s is too long! . Language = French Le chemin complet vers %s est trop long! .
Each message has a list of translations (including English) separated by lines containing only a single dot. Every language declared in LanguageNames requires an entry for every message. Add a dummy translation for any message you are not able to translate completely.
GUI dialogue translations are handled separately. See nssm.rc or load it into Visual Studio for more details.